Organic pilot projects


Looking for a way to improve the sustainability of your campus grounds? Trying to reduce pesticide usage while maintaining a high caliber aesthetic? Interested in incorporating more native plants into your campus landscape? Learn more about our organic pilot programs and rewilding projects below, and reach out to us at if you have any questions. We look forward to working with you to combat biodiversity loss, fight against climate change, and improve human and environmental health!

We understand that creating more sustainable campus grounds requires a multifaceted approach, which is why we offer several solutions in addition to campus specific recommendations:

  • Our Organic Pilot Program is for campuses looking to maximize the sustainability of their campus lawns. In undergoing our 2-3 year Organic Pilot Program, campus staff become well versed in organic practices and are able to manage campus green spaces without toxic pesticides employing practices that promote biodiversity, climate resilience, and water savings while achieving the same high quality aesthetic the campus community is used to.

  • Our Rewilding Projects are for campuses that want to take the next step in their sustainable grounds journey and are looking to re-landscape lawns or underutilized areas of campus with native plants. If you're looking for an alternative to synthetic pesticides, help with controlling sidewalk cracks, or have a more site specific issue email us at

Organic Pilot Program

We know that you can achieve pristine green grassy lawns and landscapes without the use of inputs that harm our bodies and our environment. Our science backed approach employs organic practices rooted in building soil health to create vibrant, resilient landscapes that save money and water while fighting climate change. By adopting soil-based organic practices, such as the application of compost teas and overseeding, we ensure the health of turf grasses, landscape beds, sports fields, and more, without compromising the aesthetic or the well-being of campus communities.

Our team of experts will guide you through this transformation, providing the knowledge and tools necessary to implement and maintain a synthetic pesticide and fertilizer free land care program. You can read about the benefits if implementing an organic system here.

We often start with a pilot program, several sites representative of the campus landscape that are used to train staff in organic practices. We've worked to initiate 10+ pilot projects and are rapidly expanding our pilot programs to campuses across the nation. Here’s how an organic pilot project works: 

  1. We work with you to identify suitable sites that are representative of the campus landscape 

  2. We provide support while you take soil samples and send them off to recommended labs for analysis 

  3. Our experts analyze the results of the soil samples to provide a unique, customized plan of action that will enhance soil health and help to eliminate reliance on synthetic inputs

  4. As you implement the organic plan and begin to build up soil health, we engage students in the process and garner student support for this journey that your campus is embarking on  

  5. Through implementing the unique plan created by our experts, your team will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to implement organic land care on a larger scale and expand the pilot program, bringing organic land care to the rest of campus

These pilot projects show that organic land care is a feasible, cost effective, and safe alternative to conventional land care. We are eager to bring a pilot program to your campus and to work with you as you transition your entire campus away from toxic, synthetic pesticides. Implementing organic land care will result in healthier soil that retains more water, sequesters more carbon, and requires fewer inputs in the long term. Ultimately, the pilot project will provide an educational foundation for the grounds team to transition the entire campus to organic land care. This program does not change the way your campus looks, rather changes how it is managed. It’s a win-win for you, students, groundskeepers, and the environment!

Rewilding Projects

Re:wild Your Campus also goes beyond the realm of organic land care by reimagining the very landscapes that shape our campuses. Working hand in hand with campus communities, we embark on rewilding projects that breathe new life into the environment. For example, students at Grinnell College spearheaded a project to rewild a 5,000 sq ft quad on campus with native prairie grasses, pictured below.

Through the strategic reintroduction of native plants, the restoration of natural habitats, and the creation of wildlife-friendly spaces, we transform manicured lawns or underutilized areas of campus into thriving ecosystems that support a multitude of species. Rewilding is the key to unlocking the potential for ecological restoration, biodiversity conservation, and a profound reconnection with nature.

Our approach inspires students, faculty, and staff to explore the wonders of nature. Together, we challenge the traditional notions of campus aesthetics and embrace the beauty of diverse, resilient landscapes.